Articles on: Taxes
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How do I declare my account to the Belgian tax authorities?

Your investment account is with NNEK in the Netherlands. This means you have to tell the Belgian tax authorities about your Dutch investment account. For that, you need to do two things.

1. Declare your account to the Belgian National Bank (once)

The instructions are in the Curvo app in your "Account" section, and are also available here. You need to do this once upon opening your account.

2. Mention the account on your tax form (every year)

We will give you detailed instructions every year. Use them when you complete your tax form. View the instructions for the tax year 2023

To know more


Buitenlandse rekeningen melden on the website of the National Bank of Belgium
FAQ rond buitenlandse rekeningen on the website of the Federal Public Service Finance


Déclarer des comptes étrangers on the website of the National Bank of Belgium
FAQ sur les comptes à l'étranger on the website of the Federal Public Service Finance

The above information is general in nature and is made available for informational purposes only. The information displayed should in no way be considered as personal tax advice. The above information is based on sources deemed reliable by the author. However, Curvo in no way guarantees the accuracy or completeness of this information and cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that may arise as a result of its inaccuracy or incompleteness. This information is subject to possible changes in legislation and tax treatment. The final tax treatment depends on your personal situation.

Updated on: 30/04/2024

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