What protection schemes are there for my investments?
European investor protection scheme Once your money is invested with NNEK through Curvo's app, your assets are protected up to €20,000 by the European investor protection scheme. What about the European deposit guarantee? The €100,000 deposit guarantee holds for the money that you holdSome readersWhat happens if Curvo shuts down?
Your assets are safe if Curvo shuts down or declares bankruptcy. They are held in your name by a separate legal entity, the custodian Stichting Noordnederlandse Beleggersgiro. This is explained further on our safety page. Here is the step by step process to access your assets if Curvo were to shut down: First step is to communicate directly with us through our chat system on the app. If the app is not working (or has shut down), then email hello@curvo.eu (mailtFew readersWhat happens if I pass away?
It's a morbid but important question. If you pass away, NNEK will continue to manage your investments until official documents from your heirs are received. Your account will then be settled according to their instructions.Few readersWhere are my assets stored?
Before your money is invested, your money is held on a Rabobank deposit account. It never takes more than a couple of business days before these funds are invested. Your money is then invested and your assets are held by your custodian, the Stichting Noordnederlandse Beleggersgiro. This is a separate legal entity that has no commercial activity and whose sole purpose is to hold your assets. Learn how your money is investedFew readersWhat happens if Curvo gets acquired?
All your investments are held in your name and safeguarded by NNEK's custodian. If Curvo were to be bought by another company, you get to decide on whether to leave your investments with NNEK, or choose to sell your investments and close your account.Few readers