How do I close my account?
Simply email us ( or chat to us in-app and we'll help you close your account. No hard feelings!Some readersHow can I change my portfolio?
Head to your Portfolio screen on the app, scroll to the bottom and click on "See details" with the name of your portfolio. You'll see the option to "I'd like to change portfolio". Change portfolio on Curvo Note that every year, we also ask you again through the Curvo app, the questions that you answered when you first signed up. Your answers may changeSome readersHow long does it take to withdraw my money?
To withdraw, scroll down to the bottom of your portfolio, click "Settings" and you'll have an option to "Withdraw". The minimum you may withdraw from your account is €50. If you withdraw more than 90% of your portfolio, all your assets will be sold and your account will be closed. It can take up to 9 business days for the money to be back on your bank account. The flow to withdraw your money works just like when you're investing money. Once you've chosen your amount, the orders are sentSome readersHow can I change my personal information?
You are unable to change your personal information within the Curvo app as we receive your information through itsme. Follow these instructions to update your information on itsme. If some of your personal information is incorrect, do reach out to us via the in-app chat or via email.Few readersHow to make a one-off investment?
You'll find the bank information when you're making a bank transfer "in one go" through Curvo's app. Head on over to "Invest" and you'll see the information to make the transfer. Some banks require you to add the address and BIC code which we have added below: Name SNB (Stichting Noordnederlandse Beleggersgiro) IBAN NL57 RABO 0300 4546 86 Address K.R. Poststraat 100-2 8441 ER Heerenveen Netherlands BIC RABONL2U Communication 224* Thomas Ketchell Add your nine-digFew readersCan I transfer money from a different bank account than the one I linked to Curvo?
No. Your account is linked to the IBAN that you registered with. You will only be able to transfer money to your portfolio from that bank account.Few readersHow can I change my email address?
If you need to change your email address, head on over to the in-app chat within Curvo and message us there. We'll update your email accordingly!Few readersCan I use Curvo on another phone or device?
You can only use Curvo on one single device as it's linked to your itsme account. If you wish to use Curvo on a new device, follow these steps: Log out of Curvo on your old phone Make sure itsme is installed and set up on your new phone Install Curvo and log in on your new phone. Since itsme will be deactivated on your old phone, no one will ever be able to log into your account on your old phone.Few readersHow can I change my portfolio if my financial situation has changed?
Yes, you can. Head to your portfolio screen on the app, scroll to the bottom and click on "What's in it?" with your portfolio name. You'll see the option to "I'd like to change my portfolio". You'll be able to re-start the questionnaire and be assigned a new portfolio to match your goals.Few readersWhat happens if I leave Belgium?
Curvo is currently available only to residents of Belgium. If you move abroad and become a tax resident in another country, you will need to stop using Curvo's services. In such a case, you can choose to either close your account or withdraw all your assets. We have plans to expand across the European Union in the future. If you're relocating within the EU, feel free to reach out to us, we’d be happy to keep you updated on our expansion plans. If you're moving outside the EU, you will be requiFew readers