Your investments
How is my money invested?
When you send money to be invested, the following steps happen: You make the deposit Your deposit is received The orders are sent to the fund providers The investments are completed Receiving your deposit We count up to 3 business days (although it usually happens faster) between you making the deposit and the money being received at the Rabobank deposit account (managed by NNEK). The money stays on that account until it is sent to the fund providers to be invested. SendingPopularHow do monthly contributions work?
Through the Curvo app, you can easily set up monthly contributions through SEPA Direct Debit. The money is debited the first business day of the month. You can edit or pause the contributions as you wish through the app. How long does it take for the money to be invested? It can take up to 8 business days as there are two factors at play: 1) SEPA Direct Debit Under SEPA Direct Debit, funds are debited even if the customer does not have sufficient funds on his bank account. For exampPopularWhy do the portfolios use index funds rather than ETFs?
The main reason is taxes. All ETFs are subject to the transaction tax ("taxe sur les opérations boursières" or "beurstaks" or TOB). This tax must be paid at every purchase and sale. Depending on the type of the ETF and its country of registration, the rate varies between 0.12% and 1.32% of the transaction value. In contrast with ETFs, certain funds are exempt from the transaction tax. For this reason, all Curvo portfolios are made up of index funds for which no transaction tax needs to beFew readersIs it better for me to invest in one go or on a more regular basis?
Both are good as you're already thinking of investing your money. Do you have a lump sum to invest? Mathematically, investing everything in one go results in a better return in most cases. That's because the markets tend to go up on average. So the earlier you get in, the more your investments can compound. A key word is "in most cases" though. There are cases where it would have been better to wait, for instance right before a big downturn. But those situations are rare, and statisticaFew readersWhy would I pay you when I can also invest myself?
Our mission is for millennials to secure their financial future through passive investing. Whether you invest with NNEK through Curvo's app or by yourself, we're happy either way. So you're more than welcome to inspire yourself from our philosophy and implement it yourself. Please note that the funds that we use are only accessible to institutional investors, which means you won't be able to replicate it entirely on your own. But you can get close enough by buyingFew readersCan I invest in multiple portfolios?
Yes, you can. You can separate your investments based on your different objectives, whether it’s long-term growth, saving for a home, investing for your children or planning for retirement. For example, you might set up: One portfolio for retirement savings Others to save for your children’s future A third for your dream home And even one for your honeymoon fund! You can set up separate monthly investment plans for each portfolio. And you can keep track of your progress across your dFew readersAre my investments sustainable?
All NNEK portfolios available through Curvo's app exclude companies that are considered destructive to the planet. This means that your portfolio does not include companies from industries such as: the weapons industry the tobacco industry the oil and gas sectorFew readersCan I use Curvo to time the market?
Time in the market beats timing the market No. Every day that your money is not invested, you are passing up profits. Given that no one knows when the next crisis will hit, the smartest thing you can do is to start investing as early as you can and adopt a "buy and hold" strategy. Unfortunately, there doesn’t exist any investments through which you can guarantee a quick buck without taking a lot of risk. Investing is for the long term, speculation is for the short term. Recommended readingFew readersHow often is my portfolio rebalanced?
Your portfolio is constantly monitored by NNEK to see whether it's still in line with the intended asset allocation. Your portfolio is rebalanced when any of the assets are 5% out of balance.Few readersHow do I change the bank account linked to my account?
When making deposits to your account, it's important that the transfers come from the bank account that you linked during the sign-up process. To change this bank account, send an email to with: the IBAN of the new bank account a proof that you're the holder of the bank account. This can be a bank statement, or a screenshot of your banking app or web interface, and must show both the IBAN and your name. Once we receive this, the change of the baFew readersCan I change what day of the month the monthly contribution is debited from my bank account?
Unfortunately not. When you set up a monthly savings plan through the Curvo app, the money is debited on the first business day of every month. You are unable to edit the when the money is fetched from your account. We are looking to add a more flexible system in the future. We understand that many aren't paid in time or don't have sufficient funds for the savings plan on the first business day of the month. As an alternative, you can set up a standing order directly with your bank andFew readersWhat happens to my investments if I move to another country?
As of today, Curvo is only available to Belgian residents. So if you move abroad, you will have to sell your investments.Few readersWhen are the portfolio values in the app updated?
The values of your portfolio in the app, that you can see for instance in the graph in your "Portfolio" tab, are updated once per day with a delay of 2 business days. For example, assume that we're on Thursday February 8, 2024. The last known value is then the value on February 6. The evolution graph of your portfolio will show: Feb 5: actual value on Feb 5 Feb 6: actual value on Feb 6 Feb 7: it will show the last known value of Feb 6 Feb 8: it will show the last known value of FebFew readersHow does the projection on the Tomorrow screen work?
The goal of the simulation is to estimate the size of your savings on Curvo by the time you reach the retirement age in Belgium, which is 67. The projection starts by calculating the expected average yearly return of your portfolio. For instance, for the Growth portfolio, the asset classes are expected to return 7.3% per year, and the total cost of ownership of the funds is 0.27%. So the expected yearly return of the Growth portfolio is 7.03%. Then it steps in the future, month by month. It stFew readersHow do I handle market downturns?
We understand that the recent market fluctuations may be causing concern. It's natural to feel uneasy during such times. But it's important to remember that market corrections are a normal part of the economic cycle. Historically, markets have demonstrated resilience, often rebounding and continuing their upward trajectory over the long term. Historical perspective For instance, during the 2008 financial crisis, global stock markets declined by over 50%. However, investors who maintained theFew readers
Do you have more information about the funds in the portfolios?
The funds used in the NNEK portfolios available through the Curvo app are: Vanguard ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index Fund ISIN IE00B5456744 Factsheet Key Investor Information ( readersVanguard ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index Fund
This fund follows the FTSE Developed All Cap Choice index. The index includes 4,776 companies across 26 countries that are considered "developed" markets (US, Japan, UK, Canada, Germany…). It excludes companies involved in non-renewable energies, vice products and weapons. ISIN IE00B5456744 Factsheet Key Investor InformationSome readersWho runs the funds where I'm investing my money?
Your portfolio consists only of funds offered by Vanguard, BlackRock and Amundi: Vanguard: Founded in 1975, Vanguard is a US-based investment management company holding over $3tn in assets under management. Vanguard is the largest provider of mutual funds in the world. Its founder John Bogle is also credited as the inventor of index funds. Blackrock: Founded in 1988, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager with over $4.5tn in asseFew readersVanguard ESG Emerging Markets All Cap Equity Index Fund
This fund follows the FTSE Emerging All Cap Choice index. The index consists of 2,728 companies of all sizes from the 24 countries designated as "emerging" markets by FTSE. These countries include China, Taiwan, India and Brazil amongst others. It also excludes companies that are involved in non-renewable energies, vice products and weapons. ISIN IE00BKV0W243 Factsheet Key InvestFew readersBNP Paribas Easy € Corp Bond SRI PAB 1-3Y
This fund follows the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Corporate SRI Sustainable Ex Fossil Fuel Bond 1-3Y index. It's made up of corporate bonds, the bonds in this index have a duration between 1 and 3 years so they're shorter term. Short-term bonds are better suited than longer term bonds during periods of rising interest rates. It also excludes bonds issued by companies active in industries such as controversial weapons or fossiel fuels. ISIN LU2008760758 Factsheet (https://docfinder.bnppaFew readersVanguard SRI Euro Investment Grade Bond Index Fund
This fund follows the Bloomberg Barclays EUR Non-Government Float Adjusted Bond index. It consists of Euro-denominated corporate bonds from companies that meet the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles. Furthermore, it excludes bonds issued by companies that are involved in controversial weapons or tobacco products. ISIN IE00BYSX5D68 Factsheet Key Investor Information (https:Few readersiShares Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index Fund
This fund follows the Bloomberg Barclays Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond index. Inflation-linked government bonds are a special type of bond that protects against rising inflation. In Europe, only 4 European countries issue these bonds: France, Italy, Germany and Spain. ISIN IE00B4WXT857 Factsheet Key Investor Information Doc ( readersiShares Euro Government Bond Index Fund
This fund follows the iShares Euro Government Bond Index Fund. It's composed of government bonds from 9 selected countries in the European Monetary Union: France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Ireland and Finland. ISIN IE0031080868 Factsheet Key Investor Information DocFew readersBNP Paribas Easy JPM ESG EMU Government Bond IG 3-5 Y
This fund follows the J.P. Morgan ESG EMU Government Bond IG 3-5 Year index. It's composed of short term bonds (3 to 5 years duration) issued by ten Eurozone countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. ISIN LU2008763182 Factsheet Key Investor Information ( readersVanguard Euro Government Bond Index Fund
ISIN IE00BFPM9W02 Factsheet Key Investor InformationFew readersiShares ESG Screened Global Corporate Index Fund
ISIN IE00BJN4RG66 Factsheet Key Investor InformationFew readersAmundi Prime Euro Government Bonds 0-1 Year
ISIN LU2531807738 Factsheet Key Investor InformationFew readers